Our Mission
We have dedicated our time and effort so people will find the financial services they need.
On SpendMeNot we always go the extra mile – we make sure our visitors are well informed and always find the information they came for.
Searching for valuable information and creating maps and infographics for you is our priority. We share our findings on global brands, social marketing, and financial trends with our readers on a regular basis.
Our team researches recent trends and studies every aspect of financial life.
Not sure what income you need to buy a house?
Or you’re wondering where is the best place to start your business?
Or what’s the average salary in your state?
Visit SpendMeNot…
…and find out!
We have the latest financial statistics here, so YOU can make the important decision you need help with.
Or you can just window shop for a daily dose of information on various financial subjects:
You came to the right place!
Note: No information, nor financial advice related to online trading is offered through contact.
Our solution
While we do use affiliate links, we approach all software equally because:
- We use affiliate links for all products we review; that approach removes the potential economic bias, thanks to the equal monetary incentive each product generates for us
- Our software rankings are based on real-time data
- Software reviews are regularly updated to reflect new offerings and changes
- The final ratings include user reviews which mitigate any personal bias and subjectivity
Our network of team leaders, researchers, and writers is growing faster than ever. Same as our audience! However, the core of our team remains the same and we’re proud to present them to you.
Evangelina Chapkanovska
Website Manager
After I got my degree in translation and interpreting, I started working in a typical office. To get away from my nine-to-five job, I ventured into freelance writing. One thing led to another, and I ended up creating content for SpendMeNot. I have been involved with this site ever since its launch — first as a writer and now as a manager.
Deyana Laguna
Statistics show that the average parent has just 32 minutes of free time a day. And as a mother of two boys, I hardly get to enjoy my hobbies. But, lucky me, I love my job! My Journalism degree has opened the door to the fulfilling career of content creator and editor. Over the past decade, I’ve been covering financial news, writing educational materials and refining other writers’ work. I’m now dedicated to providing SpendMeNot readers with quality content and accurate information on all things financial.
Samuel Gitonga
Content Writer
I’m a Kenyan journalist and professional writer. I move words around creatively enough to make you reread a piece. In my home office, you will find a quill and a bottle of ink. That’s how seriously I take this craft. Indulge me.
Ana Efremov
Content Writer
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Maybe you dreamed of being a doctor, a singer, or an athlete. Well, believe it or not, my answer was always loud and clear: “I want to be an economist!” So, here I am, not a typical office worker with a pile of documents to sort or a lot of complex data to analyze, but a financial content writer exploring all things money-related. And, I must say, I really enjoy sharing my financial and economic knowledge with all of you.
Srdjan Gombar
Content Writer
Content writer and amateur boxer. A few years ago, I dived into the financial world with an aim to help both heavyweight and lightweight investors make a knockout. I love to spend my free time watching movies and playing video games. Other than this, doing the best I can to support my kid in achieving his lifelong dream of becoming a Ninja Turtle.
Nevena Živković
Content Writer
To be honest, I never wanted to become a writer. My dream job was a software developer/engineer or a graphic designer. But, as I’m far more skillful with words than maths, I got a degree in English language and literature. Now that I’ve been a content creator for six years, I’d never think about any other profession. I write as if my life depended on it.
But don’t think writing is all I know of. When I get tired of it (yeah, it’s possible), I do yoga or play the guitar. When inspiration strikes me, I grab my camera and go out for a photo shoot. Although I prefer the nice weather, I could freeze to death for just a few good snaps.